Super Awesome-O!! Yours truly is headed to India next week!!! How cool is that?!?
Listed right on top of Cariño's list-of-must-list-and-must-see-list, I have been entranced by this mystical land of heat, history and curries for as long as I can remember, and am so keyed up about finally going there!
Of coz, no self respecting foodie will embark on a culinary quest without the adequate prep work. Baby G gave me the perfect induction to India with a field trip to...Little India! Next to the real deal, Lil' Indie's probably my 2nd most fav places to visit, I put it down to the bright lights and color, the endless energy, the festive vibe, & of coz, the curries.
Chella's a half restaurant, half fast food hybrid of a joint, and they serve up some of the seldom seen snacks of India, one of which was Bhelpuri, a joyful combination of puffed rice piled with tomato, cucumber, yogurt and, from what I can make out, more fried stuff.
I absolutely love this plate of crunch, simply coz I have never seen or tried it before. If this is but a taste of more to come, I'm in for good times.