Saturday, September 29, 2007

Salmon Sashimi, by Master Chef Mum

Salmon Sashimi, Yusheng Style

If ever pressed to name my fav food, the answer would be 3 pronged:

Fav Food: Salmon Sashimi. I moan in shameless ecstasy every time a thick orange slab of the oh so meltingly buttery fish swims into my mouth. Oh gawd, pure joy.

Fav Cuisine: Indian. More specifically, North Indian Vegetarian. No fight. But that's another blog.

Food I'd gladly give up the world for: My Mum's cooking.

I must thank my lucky stars, for I can have 2 of my top 3 foods at one go. My mum makes the best salmon sashimi (not to mention the cheapest since I don't have to fork out a fortune to dine in exclusive Japanese restaurants). She also makes a mean yusheng, way way waaayy better than the ones you can find anywhere.

What peeved me here is not her heavenly bestowed culinary flair, of my lack thereof. While I can take forever to capture food at their most photogenic display of texture, color and shape, Mum the Great simply throws a bunch of key ingredients together: a sprinkle of this, a splash of that, a toss of some other, and Viola! Art on a plate! And 2 seconds to snap.

Without further ado, I present Mum's masterpiece for your viewing, and my eventual devouring pleasure.

1 comment:

Meilin Tan said...

Wow this is awesome! I hope I will get a chance to try it one day :)