Monday, January 4, 2010

Breton Sand Cookies

Ingots of Breton Delights

Some friends from Down Under were in town to spend Christmas, and that meant holding their traditional Christmas dinner here, which in turn meant a great deal of festive feasting. On the long list of dinner goodies was shortbread, and as luck would have it, PH has a recipe just for the occassion, his Breton Sand Cookies, or what he referes to as French shortbread.

Mise En Place

Butter & Sugar, Heavenly Pairing

Cream the butter to soft and creamy submission, toss in the sugar and salt, and continue beatingthe trio until light, pale and fluffy.

In Goes The Yolk and Sifted Flour

Yolks go in first for a good whipping, of course, but I forgot and poured the sifted powders instead. The cookies in PH's book shone a rich golden yellow, while my batter was lifelessly pale. That's when I realised I something was amiss: the yolks!

Out goes the powders, hastily scooped up, and in went the yolks in their rightful place, as the batter was whipped to the glorious yellow hue it was meant to be.

Wet Ingredients All In

Last but not least, the sifted powders, carefully folded in, until pliable dough comes together.

Cookie Sausages

The dough gets divided and plonked onto cling wrap, and put into the deep freeze until ready to be baked and devoured.

Taste Test: These little ingots went down a treat with my cousins M and J. Picky little eaters as they are, they can always be counted on for their honest opinions, and they gave the shortbread their 4 thumbs up. That's a good to go by my books.

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